Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blog Assignment 1

About Me
So my name is Meredith, I am named after my grandmother's maiden name. My last name is Fondren which is hebrew for blacksmith. I'm twenty years old and I live with my mother. My parents are divorced for over a year now and my father has remarried. I have two dogs, Hilde, who is a miniature schnauzer, and Milo, who is a shi zhu. I'm an only child so my dogs are my siblings. I'm in a long term relationship with a wonderful man named Justin. I am going to USA so I can live at home and be close to my family and friends. I have become a very fitness focused person, I love to workout and I also love to read. 

Randy Pausch on Time Management
What I learned from Dr. Pausch's video is that a plan is crucial to having good time and task management. Making a to-do list helps you realize how many things you need to accomplish and helps you to not procrastinate.

-Meredith :)


  1. Hey Meredith!

    Welcome to EDM310! I decided to come to South to remain near family as well. I also LOVE to read. It's why I am an English and secondary ed. major.

    Plans certainly are crucial, but did you learn anything else from Dr. Pausch's lecture? He's a great individual and what he has to say about prioritizing in life is something we could all take a lesson from.

  2. Hi Meredith,
    I love that you have your grandmothers maiden name. I think family is very important and carrying on family names is just a cool way of staying connected to our loved ones. I found it interesting that you were an only child and you are pursuing teaching as a career. I think society sometimes stereotypes kids with no siblings to be socially awkward when it comes to interaction with children.However I do not agree I have many friends who are only children and my best friend only has one child and she is very well rounded. It takes a more concerted effort from the parents to engage them with other children I think.
    I also try to be very health concise and enjoy working out. It is a stress relief for me.
    I definitely have had to implement the to do list mentioned in Mr. Pausch's video. Just like you said it help not to be a procrastinator and complete task more effectively.
